The Grammatical Structure of Limericks in English: an Analytical Examination


Limericks, a popular form of poetry characterized by their witty and playful nature, possess a unique grammatical structure that contributes to their distinctiveness. This scientific article aims to analyze the grammatical features and patterns found within English limericks, shedding light on their syntactic organization, linguistic constraints, and creative potential. By examining a diverse collection of limericks and employing linguistic theories, this study provides a comprehensive exploration of the grammatical structure underlying these humorous verses.

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D'Amico, R. (2019). The Limerick: A Comprehensive Study. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hall, E. (1975). The Anatomy of Limericks: An Inquiry into the Structure, Rhythm, and Meaning of Limericks. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 34(1), 77-88.

"The Limerick: 1700 Examples with Notes, Variants, and Index" by William S. Baring-Gould

"The Penguin Book of Limericks" edited by E.O. Parrott, 2013