Current Trends in Syrian Foreign Policy
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Middle East
international relations
foreign policy

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Bazarbaevna, B. G. . (2023). Current Trends in Syrian Foreign Policy. European Journal of Life Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 29, 147-150. Recuperado de


The global military-political, socio-economic changes taking place in the world have an impact on the political processes taking place in different countries, leading to their serious transformation. In such circumstances, the system of international relations is also changing, increasing the importance of organizing interstate relations from the point of view of ensuring the country's security and stability. The conflict in Syria is emerging as a component of the global transformation in the Middle East, creating dangerous trends. Under the influence of such complex and threatening processes, the deep and wide-scale research of political changes in the Arab countries, taking into account the specific characteristics of their societies, is gaining urgent importance.

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