Strategy of Tourism Development in Uzbekistan:Unique Features of its Implementation
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Anahtar Kelimeler

Central Asia

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Dilshodbek, K. . (2023). Strategy of Tourism Development in Uzbekistan:Unique Features of its Implementation. European Journal of Life Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 30, 62-65. Geliş tarihi gönderen


Tourism plays an important role in accelerating sustainable economic development and improving the well-being of the population. The World Tourism Organization pays special attention to overcoming existing social problems, protecting historical and cultural monuments, and accelerating regional integration processes through tourism development.   Leading scientific educational institutions of the world carry out scientific study of priority areas, complex opportunities for multilateral cooperation in the tourism industry. Today, Uzbekistan uses foreign experience, overcoming the problems of the tourism industry that are waiting to be solved, and ensuring its development through theoretical and practical recommendations.

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